
Dr. ZalenskyCrooked teeth and an uneven smile usually present more than just cosmetic concerns for patients. Crooked teeth can be more difficult to keep clean, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay, and they can cause malocclusion (bite problems) that are uncomfortable. Additionally, Crooked teeth can put an abnormal amount of wear and tear on the teeth, which can cause even more issues. 


For many patients, however, the thought of living for any length of time with metal braces is enough to lead them to forgo straightening their teeth and accept living with an uneven smile. 

At Aurora Hills Dental, we’re pleased to provide our patients with a popular alternative to straightening teeth with traditional metal braces — ClearCorrect. 

What Is ClearCorrect?

ClearCorrect is a teeth-straightening system that straightens teeth using clear aligner trays sometimes, in addition to tooth-colored brackets — instead of metal braces. 

The Benefits of ClearCorrect

The primary benefit of ClearCorrect is that it offers a solution for straightening teeth that does not require the use of traditional metal braces. 

ClearCorrect is both discrete and more comfortable, as the aligner trays are made from clear plastic. 

Additionally, the trays can be removed at mealtimes, allowing you to continue enjoying all of your favorite foods throughout the treatment process. 

How Does ClearCorrect Work? 

ClearCorrect uses a series of clear aligner trays that are each worn in a predetermined order. Each set of trays is worn for about two weeks before the patient can move onto the next set of trays in the system. As the patient progresses through the aligner trays, their teeth are gradually shifted into the desired position. 

Treatment with ClearCorrect begins with a consultation during which we take a three-dimensional scan to create digital impressions of your teeth. These impressions are used to design a set of custom aligner trays that will shift your teeth from their current positions into the desired alignment. 

The length of treatment depends on how far your teeth need to move and the subsequent number of trays included in your personalized system. 

Is ClearCorrect Right for Me?

ClearCorrect can be used to correct minor to moderate alignment problems with a patient’s teeth. However, they are not always appropriate for more severe alignment issues or bite problems. During a consultation, our dentist can help you determine whether or not teeth straightening with ClearCorrect is the best treatment option for you. 

Schedule an ClearCorrect Consultation With Our Aurora Dentist

In addition to ClearCorrect, we offer our patients a variety of orthodontic treatments designed to help them get a more comfortable, more attractive smile. 

If you are interested in straightening your teeth for a more comfortable, healthy, and attractive smile, we strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zalesky. He can talk with you about your teeth straightening goals, evaluate the condition of your smile, and recommend the teeth straightening strategy that will work best for you.

To schedule an appointment, we welcome you to contact Aurora Hills Dental today!